Adoption Profile:

Name: Bosley
DOB: 17/06/2024
Gender: Male
Breed: DSH
Adoption Fee: $225
Location: Wynnum West
Snuggle scope: A definite lap cat
Cat scope: Good
Dog scope: Quite interested and arches his back through the window
Child scope: Patient cat loving tweens and teens


Bosley and his siblings came into care as a litter of scared kittens who had no human contact. As soon as we entered their room there was lots of hissing and spitting and hiding to protect themselves from the big scary humans. But over time with lots of patience and love and quite a few creamy treats as bribery, Bosley has shown his carer he’s a true lap cat.
With his confidence growing and trust in his carer, the hissing and so forth has disappeared and Bosley is showing his true personality as a handsome house panther with a beautiful white heart on his chest who is desperate to give and receive love. Bosley loves his sister Tux and will play rough and tumble for hours even waking her up from a nap for a play. His favourite toy is a wand, the ball of wool his carer is knitting with and he loses his mind chasing the laser around the room, up the walls and over the furniture.
When it’s meal time Bosley greets his carer by running to the door and laying on the floor like a puppy waiting patiently for her to enter the room. He then follows behind whilst the bowls are placed in position and he allows himself to be picked up and kissed and placed in front of his food.
It’s important to understand that due to the challenging start to life that “scaredies” go through, Bosley will probably always have a timid side around strangers but once you show him patience and love to gain his trust as his person he will reward you as an incredibly loyal cat.
If you have the patience and understanding to give Bosley the love and time to continue his progress to become even more confident

To arrange a meet to see if this could be your perfect match, please submit our meet’n’greet form