Adoption Profile:
Date expected to leave care: Now
– Surgery to correct Bilateral Entropion on both eyes.
– She had her nose widened so she could breathe easier
– Bessie is suffering from early Peridontal disease. She has had several teeth removed, and at this stage no further teeth need to be removed, however she will need yearly dentals to keep her teeth clean, and at some stage down the track (hopefully years) she will likely need full dental extractions
– Bessie was suffering from Ceruminous Cystamatosis – this is basically lots of small lesions on the inside of her ear which seems to be more commonly encountered in middle aged-older cats, and Persians seems predispositioned to this condition. At this stage the lesions aren’t too big – if they do grow big they can be removed, but they will continue to grow back.
– Bessie will need her ears and teeth monitored, as well as her eyes wiped every couple of days